CEO – Vehicle Control, Localization and 3D Vision System
Mattia Tavernini is the CEO and co-founder of Robosense Srl.
Before being named CEO in 2016, Mattia has covered the role of Research and Development Engineer since 2012. He received a B.S. degree in Industrial engineering, an M.S. degree in Mechatronic Engineering from the University of Trento, Trento, Italy, and a Ph.D. degree in Space Sciences, Technologies, and Measurements from the University of Padova in 2006, 2009 and 2013, respectively. During his Ph.D. research, he was involved in ITER – International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor collaborating with Instituto de Plasmas e Fusao Nuclear – Laboratorio Associado, IST, University of Lisbon.
During the past decade, his work has focused mainly on developing innovative solutions in the industrial logistic field, including mobile robot localization and control with camera and laser, sensor fusion, 3D data processing for object detection and measuring, with important collaboration with important Italian and European companies. He also collaborates in projects that involve bio-medical and rehabilitation technologies.
Optimization Algorithms and 3D Vision Systems
Matteo Zanetti received the MS degree in Mechatronic Engineering in 2014, and the Ph.D. degree in Materials, Mechatronics and Systems Engineering in 2019, both from the University of Trento (Italy).
His work focuses on sensor fusion algorithms for mobile robot localization and 3D vision systems.
Mixed Reality and Human Technologies
Alessandro Luchetti is graduated in Mechanical engineering at Polytechnic University of Marche and specialized in Mechatronic Engineering at the University of Trento in both cases with honors.
During his master, he participated in the international Formula SAE competition as tech manager of the suspension group of the E-Agle Trento racing team. After his master, the first year of his research fellowship, he worked in robotic grinding of Titanium-alloys welded components for aeronautic application for the MiRo laboratory of the University of Trento and Fly Spa (TN).
His research on augmented reality continued in the laboratory of the Prof. Hirokazu Kato at the Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST), Japan. Today his passion for new technologies focuses his attention on the study of the advantages that their interaction with humans brings in smart factories and the clinical field.
Technical consultant
Luca Baglivo PhD is an Additive Manufacture Engineer. In the last threes he focused on mechatronic prototyping technologies, especially 3D printing. Formerly technical coordinator with the ProM Facility of Trentino Sviluppo, he currently is process owner for a private company producing metal additive manufacturing parts.
He was a Senior Researcher at EURAC – Institute for Renewable Energy, postdoctoral researcher with the University of Aveiro and the Laboratory of Systems and Robotics – IST Lisbon and a postdoctoral researcher with the University of Trento at the MIRo Lab.
His research was on object identification and localization for autonomous vehicles, motion planning for autonomous industrial vehicles, cooperative Terrain-Aided Navigation of underwater autonomous vehicles (AUVs) formations, then on energy efficiency in buildings.
Author of more than 40 publications in books, refereed international journals and national/international conference proceedings.
CTO - Academic Advisor
Mariolino De Cecco Ph.D. is co-founder of Robosense Srl.
Associate Professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering – University of Trento.
Professor of Mechanical and Thermal Measurements and Robotics Perception and Action.
Head of the MIRo (Measurement, Instrumentation and Robotics) laboratory and co-proposer and member of the steering committee of the autonomous province of Trento project AUSILIA.
His research fields are about Measurements: physical/cognitive assessment during rehabilitation, optomechanical sensors, position and attitude estimation systems and algorithms for Autonomous Guided Vehicles – AGV, colorimetric analysis, diagnostic systems and elaboration, vision systems for 3D shape or motion estimation, human motion estimation by Structure From Motion – SfM, system identification, time-frequency analysis, SLAM by lidar; Robotics: non-holonomic systems path planning and control, adaptive control, Real-Time Multitasking control. Space: mechanisms design and qualification, automatic testing systems, hypervelocity impact systems.
Referee of different international papers and congress, and of different national and international research projects. Author of more than 190 papers on international journal with referee, book chapters, papers on national or international congress with referee, H-index 43.